Giving a Service Provider Access to your Premises

Giving your Service Provider access to your premises will allow them to view and add to your Log Book including Documents and other features.

Your Service Provider is already using Tio:-

See connecting with your service provider on how to share access with your Service Provider by connecting your Tio organisation with theirs

Your Service Provider is new to Tio / you’re not sure:-

  1. Select Service Providers from your Organisation Dashboard
  2. Select ‘Send Invite’
  3. This will open an email invitation for you to send and connect with your Service Provider, our partner team will help ensure a smooth process

Assigning Premises to your Service Provider

Now you are connected to your Service Provider you can assign all or some of your premises to them:

  1. To provide access to All Premises, navigate to your Premises list and select the Service Providers tab
  2. Select ‘Add’ and then choose your Service Provider from the list

To assign a limited group of premises to your Service Provider:

  1. Your premises may be allocated into Groups to help manage KPIs and access, see Create and Edit a premises group for more if required else continue to the next step
  2. Navigate to the appropriate Premises Group and add your connected Service Provider from the Service Provider tab